Noah Nickerson, MBA, CSCP, SSGB

Coming from a family of local business owners, I understand the unique challenges that small businesses face in navigating supply chain uncertainties. Juggling responsibilities from finances to human resources, small business owners often grapple with staying in front of industry trends, leading to inefficiencies and lost profits.

My professional journey lead me into the corporate realm, where I honed my skills working for multiple Fortune 500 supply chain companies. Now, fueled by a passion for empowering small businesses, I aim to leverage the insights gained from both worlds to provide tailored solutions to businesses in any industry. My unique background equips me with a deep understanding of the intricacies faced by small enterprises, and I am dedicated to translating this wealth of experience into practical guidance, helping businesses of all sizes thrive in a competitive landscape.

With a commitment to excellence, my consulting services rival those of large firms while remaining accessible and affordable for small business owners.